• Scalar is designed for authoring multimedia sites. It emphasizes digital humanities methods and online collections of visual images and data. https://scalar.me/anvc/
  • Oppia is used to create explorations. Originally sponsored by Google, the system creates interactive, primarily text experiences. https://www.oppia.org/splash
  • Haxtheweb is a project with big ambitions. It is primarily an easy to use content authoring system using web components. Many of the components are designed for interaction, such as creating a set of multiple choice questions with feedback for student responses. Depite the goal of ease of use, setting up the system requires advanced web developer skills. https://odl.science.psu.edu/blog/post/hax-editing
  • H5P has some similarities to Haxtheweb. A variety of lessons can be created using interactive elements of HTML5. Authoring is fairly easy, compared to some of the other services and lessons can be embedded in any website. Because of its ease of use and compatibility with WordPress several lessons will be developed and posted on this site in the future. https://h5p.org/